In short, I love sticks, twigs, and branches. A good log can provide a beautiful setting to just sit and contemplate life situations that need my attention. In our home, we have collections of twigs and sticks piled in multiple locations because, frankly, one never knows when inspiration will hit. There are just moments in the day when a person may need a new wand or sword. Sometimes the only fitting tool to finish a painting is the perfectly shaped twig. Also, when time allows, there is nothing more satisfying than building a new home for some tiny, magical creatures. Branches and twigs provide an opportunity for our imagination to run wild. Sometimes this is exactly what we need to help us move forward in life.
I am also a word dork and love to dive in and ponder what a word really means. Branching occurs during growth cycles when a tree or a bush begins expanding its reach outward. Sometimes, the new growth is too much for the plant to support. At times, for the health of the plant, we must do some pruning of the branches. This can be because the branches are robbing the tree of necessary nutrients, and thus, they need to go. Many times, to properly prune a tree or plant, specific expert advice is needed, or it can actually do more harm to the tree or plant than good. The next word – “Twig” – means to “understand or to suddenly comprehend.” I knew I wanted these words and images to represent the work I do. When we understand or comprehend the things that are holding us back in life, we can more clearly see what parts are in need of pruning so we can live more whole and healthy lives. Having an expert to help you navigate the process can greatly accelerate the positive outcomes that are possible in therapy. Therapy and growth can be hard work, but if we do it right, we can also find joy and fun as we work towards becoming the people we are meant to be.